Creating and organizing pages
Access privileges

Thank you for using Wiwi ;
This is a small manual to help you mastering this tool, which i hope will match your needs as much as possible. Please feel free to send me any feedback, bugs, wishlist or whatever : xjimenez@zonatim.com


Wiwimod is a Xoops 2 module, offering « wiki » style functionnality based on wysiwyg HTML editors.

Wiwi adds some useful blocks into Xoops repository, as follows :

Wiwi is distributed under the GPL licence, meaning it's free to use as long as it isn't integrated in a commercial product.
Downloads and discussions on : Wiwi home page

Creating and organizing pages

Creating new pages :

The base idea is that you create a page when you try to reach a page that doesn't exist yet. When you do this, you obtain a blank page in « edit » mode. Then you type the content and submit the new page ... you're done.

Step 1 : create a link to your future new page (edit your "index" or "home" page for example)

Pages are identified with their "page name". This can be any text, but you should try to keep page names as short as possible. You will set later a "page title" that can be more explicit.

Simply type :  [[my page name]] , or [[my page name | hyperlink text]] .

Alternatively, if your new page name is a CamelCase word ( that is two or more concatenated words starting with an uppercase letter : LikeThisOne ) , simply type it without square brackets.

Step 2 : save the current page, and click on the link you've just added. Here you are, now just type your content and save it.
Note : when a link to a new page is parsed, Wiwi appends a « ? » sign to make it easy understand the corresponding content doesn't exist yet and has to be created.

Organizing pages

One of the most irritating tasks in wikis is to maintain information about the page hierarchy (if applicable) , and repeat it on each page you write, so that readers don't get lost and quickly browse back to page parents.
Wiwi's solution is an optional « parent » field in the page edit form. In view mode, Wiwi displays a navigation bar linking to all parents, climbing the page hierarchy till no more parents can be found (parent field left empty). As from version 0.7, Wiwi automatically sets the « parent » field of newly created pages to a reasonable guess : the wiwi page that hosted the hyperlink (if applicable) leading to the current page creation.

Editing Content

Wiwi displays a wysiwyg editor whenever possible while editing pages. If the navigator does'nt support it, the default xoops editor is displayed.This manual won't detail how to use the editors, yet they're easy to take hands on. Let us simply remind basic rules that are good to apply :
Table below details some special useful features :

[[XBLK blockref]] This tag is replaced by the Xoops block with corresponding title or id.
Important note : no check is (yet) done on user rights before displaying the block, so be sure of what you are doing :-) ...
This tag "cuts" your content in pages at display time ; a navigation bar to next and previous pages is automatically added.
<[PageIndex]> This tag is replaced by the alphabetical list of all wiwi pages in the document store.
<[RecentChanges]> This tag is replaced by the 20 last modified pages list.
Images, file attachments, flash
Depending on which editor you are using, you'll be able to upload and display resources within your page : images, files (icon displayed), flash animations.

Table below displays wiki codes that are interpreted by wiwi at display time, whenever they are found in a page content :

<<text>> Text is strong .
{{text}} Text is italic
----   Horizontal rule
[[BR]] Line break
[[IMG url alt]] Image tag
[[url]] , or [[url title]]
[[page name]]
link to another Wiwi page
[[page name | link title]]
link to another Wiwi page
Xxx@domain.ext « mailto » hyperlink
CamelCaseName Link to the corresponding Wiwi page
escaped camelcase : won't be converted in a link at display time.
=text= Header 2
>text blockquote
*text Bullet list

Access privileges

Wiwi privileges are a set of named profiles describing xoops groups that eventually have read/write/administrate access to corresponding pages.
Profiles also controls access to comments and to page revisions history.

Note : Xoops webmasters allways have full privileges to Wiwi pages.

Profiles are managed in Wiwi's administration menu (see the administration section below).


Wiwi Recent

This block is quite explicit : it displays the list of the last five modified pages.
No edit option for now .

Wiwi TOC Table Of Contents : this is a good complement to page hierarchy display.
This block displays the list of Wiwi pages whom "visible" field (in the edit form) is greater thant zero.
A good practice is to set visible to a value other than zero for all "root" pages in your page hierarchy. As usual in Xoops, the greater the « visible » value, the « heavier » the relative item in the list.
No edit option for now.
Wiwi Context This is a side block whom content depends on which Wiwi page is currently on screen.
Useful for « related links » functionnality, on-line context sensitive help, advertising ...
To apply, edit a page and fill the « side content » field with the page name you want displayed in the side block. If the page doesn't exist, you can create it later.
Wiwi ShowPage This block is useful if you want a specific Wiwi page displayed in your layout (for example the Home page ...)
Go to the blocks administration panel. Then edit this block to make it visible and set the page name you want displayed inside.


Wiwi Administration

Revisions As an administrator, you can see the history of each page and restore a page to a former state or fix a page's state (i.e. drop all older revisions).

Don't forget to clean up the database from time to time: this removes all page revisions older than 2 months (except one).

Privileges This section is where you manage all access privileges profiles for your Wiwi pages. You can create as many profiles as you want. As an example, three profiles are created when you install Wiwi :
  • Open content : everybody (including anonymous users) can read, write and administrate documents.
  • Public content : everybody can view related pages, but only registered users can modify or create them.
  • Private content : anonymous users cannot read related pages.
Yet you can imagine any configuration like having « project oriented » profiles restricting access on project documents to project groups. Note : when you delete a profile, you can choose a replacement profile for all affected pages.

Preferences listed options are :
  • wysiwyg editor choice  : select a supported editor ; if you choose the XoopsEditors package, then you must also select which precise editor.

  • displayed text for CamelCase links : the Camelcase code or the target page title.

  • "export to pdf" button display.

  • default profile : useful when migrating from earlier versions.
    Note : to populate this combo, you have to edit a profile and save it at least once (even without any modification).

You can also set the standard Xoops comments preferences (anonymous posts and approval process).

Blocks and Groups
A quick and clear place to manage Wiwi blocks ,
and group access to the module and corresponding blocks.